A Light on History!
700 Procter Street
Port Arthur, Texas, 77640
(409) 982-7000
Price Daniel
Oct. 10, 1910 - August 25, 1988 Dayton, Texas
U.S. Senator and Texas Governor Price Daniel served the state of Texas in more capacities than any other Texas statesman. Daniel was elected a member of the Texas House of Representatives in 1939 and became the Speaker of the House in 1943.
He was Attorney General of Texas from 1946 to 1953, a member of the U.S. Senate from 1953 to 1957, Governor of Texas from 1957 to 1963, and Justice of the Supreme Court of Texas from 1971 to 1978. Daniel received his B.A. from Baylor University in 1931 and his LL.B. in 1932. Baylor conferred the LL.D. on him in 1951.
As Attorney General and Senator, Daniel fought for 15 years to protect Texas' right to the tidelands and the enormously valuable coastal underwater oil reserves, co-authoring legislation which was eventually passed in Congress. He also crusaded against gambling in the state. He resigned his Senate seat to run for Governor of Texas and served three terms in that capacity, waging an unsuccessful battle against state sales tax.
As a member of the Texas Supreme Court, he was influential in his views on the improvement of groundwater law and the law dealing with mineral rights. Daniel also served as an assistant to President Johnson from 1967 to 1969 and was a member of the National Security Council. He was for many years a member of the Library and Historical Commission, and the State Library and Archives Building was built during his tenure as governor.
He received numerous honors and awards, including an Outstanding Alumni Award from Baylor University in 1966, the Annual Leadership Award from the Texas State Historical Association in 1978, and the State Bar of Texas Presidential Citation in 1978.